Syncing some or all Shopify orders to a single QuickBooks customer

Explore how Shopify orders can sync to QuickBooks customers: either to their own individual customer, or to a "catchall" customer

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at March 5th, 2024

Table of Contents

By default, MyWorks will sync each Shopify order to its corresponding QuickBooks customer: searching QuickBooks for a matching customer by name or email, and creating a new customer in QuickBooks if a match isn't found.

However, it's also possible to instead sync some, or all Shopify orders to a single QuickBooks customer, or, to separate QuickBooks customers if you use custom Shopify customer Segments!

This can be helpful in the below scenarios, for example:

  • Your customers generally order only one time, and you don't want to create a separate customer for them in QuickBooks, as there likely won't be future customer history for them.
  • Your QuickBooks customer list is already quite big, and you don't want new customers added to continue to grow this list.   
  • Some or all of your Shopify orders contain no customer information (for example, Shopify POS orders) - so they need to sync to a single QuickBooks customer.  

Setting up

This can be easily enabled in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Order in your Shopify Admin. 

  1. Enable the setting to Sync Shopify Orders to one QuickBooks Customer.
  2. In the area that appears below, you'll see either one option, or multiple, if you have custom Segments created for your Shopify customers.
  3. Choose the desired QuickBooks customer that orders in each Shopify customer segment should sync to. 
    1. Choose “Individual” if orders should sync to a matching QuickBooks customer by name or email.
    2. Or, choose one of the specific QuickBooks customers in the list to sync all orders from a specific Segment into a single QuickBooks customer.   
    3. The last option is “Other” - 


In the below example, orders from customers in the “Wholesale” Segment are syncing to their own individual customers in QuickBooks (based on a matching email or name); while orders from customers in the “Customer” Segment, and any Other orders that don't fall into a customer segment above are syncing to a single Shopify customer named “Shopify Customer”.